Tread lightly Gentlemen: In the land of the new, MORE-casual-business-casual there is a fine line between sloppy/too sporty and dressing as a grown-up professional. Shoes are one of the best and easiest ways to up elevate your look, while still keeping that casual...
A Romper is the PERFECT holiday attire solution for Women What? A romper is a summer shorts set your toddler wore, right? Actually, (yes, but also) it is a where-have-you-been (since I gained this weight) all-my-life solution for women! Check out these images,...
Post COVID (can I say that yet?) heralds another (like after the 1918 Pandemic) seismic shift in fashion. Industry and fashion experts agree that we will get sick of wearing sweatpants, but that a few trends will stay with as we head...
You can light up the room, and your significant other's eyes by showing up to at least one event this holiday season "dressed". Less parties only means the ones you participate in, even if their are only a few people are all the more significant. Show you care by...
Congratulations to Kamela Harris and the People of the United States for Breaking a Quarter of a Millennial Gender Barrier and Electing to Vice President a Minority Woman! So... this is almost like the Brits obsession with the Royals - with the lovely Jill Biden as...