Clothing Matching: What Shirt to Wear with a Plaid Jacket/Suit

by | Mar 14, 2013 | Fashion Tips, Image consulting for Men

Have a Great Plaid or Windowpane Jacket but Don’t Know What to Wear with It?

Please gentlemen, don’t be afraid of pattern – even a big windowpane like this sport coat. Pattern and color gives you more presence – you can stand out from the crowd and have more of a personal style. So pattern is good.

But with pattern comes a few guidelines, especially when combining other patterns in with it.

#1  Scale:  You can wear multiple patterns (windowpane and plaids, or stripes) if they are of different sizes.  When they are too similar in size, they read very busy.

#2  Color:  A plaid jacket actually makes matching easy – you only need to find one color in this jacket to connect with another garment you are wearing.  Not so hard, right?

A shirt could have a faint tone-on-tone window pane pattern to mimic the sport coat,  or it could have a bolder windowpane if the scale of the shirt were different (smaller) than the jacket.

If we were together and I was matching for you, I would pull the more subtle plaid shirt patterns with the “louder” jacket patterns.   In the case of this bold, vibrant jacket, I think that what’s under the jacket will need to be subtle so as not to overwhelm.

Wrapping up the concepts presented, you don’t have to be afraid to buy (or wear) a great plaid jacket.  When considering the two additional style elements you are now adding to it – the shirt and the tie; choose the strength and boldness of the pattern size, color and scale to be more subtle to go with the bolder jacket, and bolder to go with the more subtle jacket.   Try and tie in at least one color in the jacket to something  underneath.

And enjoy having a great style day!

Want to know how to make plaids, stripes and checks work for you?

The easiest way is to make a single phone call. Let’s talk about if any of my personalized, fast and efficient Image Consulting  services are right for you:

  • In your home  consulting to determine how what you wear can support your goals (and make you look amazing!)
  • Help organizing and clearing  out your closet with a skilled eye for what looks best on you
  • Provide high ROI shopping services or bring JHilburn custom clothing right to your home or office.

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